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What is molded
fibre packaging?

Molded fibre packaging is packaging made from waste.
It is 100% biodegradable and compostable making it
a sustainable
option for industries and companies looking
to reduce their environmental footprint.


Importantly, it also offers optimal protection to its contents.


It has become a sustainable resource for many industries, with uses ranging

from egg trays and cartons, fruit trays, wine shipping partitions

and drink trays, to medical and industrial packaging and take away food containers.

What’s exciting is that the applications are becoming increasingly sophisticated
as the moulding technology continues to evolve. So, there are many opportunities
for even smarter sustainable packaging down the track and for
Australian industries to lead the way in sustainable packaging.



Optimal rigidity, flexibility, and stiffness, providing the shockproof performance

required for delicate packaging applications such as wine partitions.

It’s air-permeability and hygroscopic ability makes it suitable for fruit and egg packaging.

Water-and-oil-proof and anti-static.


While the human population continues
to consume paper and goods packed
in various cartons and general fibre-based packages, there will always be a supply
of raw material to produce
molded fibre packaging.


Together, we can all play a vital role in turning Australia’s waste into viable, economically smart solutions.


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greener packaging
options for
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